Training Included
Direct purchasers of Omega Laser Systems receive one-to-one product introductory training free of charge within the cost of the package.
This takes 2-3 hours and is usually undertaken by zoom. This means that in a clinic or department with a number of users, the whole team can benefit from first hand instruction and have the opportunity to get answers to questions relevant to their area of specific use.
In addition, we run in-house refresher days and a number of courses at various venues and for different areas of application. These are open to all at reasonable cost and offer practitioners or those considering incorporating laser therapy a good understanding of its potential and how they might best use laser therapy in their practice.

Refresher Training Days
How complete is the laser therapy knowledge in your department? Could your clinical team benefit from a thorough understanding of of what LLLT can offer? Perhaps you have valuable equipment which is underused because of training gaps?
With new staff joining and trained staff moving on, many departments and practices find themselves with a training requirement for a number of cliinicians at once. However, freeing up all the relevant staff for off-site external training courses with the associated travel time and costs can make it difficult to achieve.
We regularly provide zoom courses to meet these needs in a cost-effective way.
We can offer full or half-day tuition covering theory and hands-on practice. For one fee the organisation can have up to 30 people trained at a cost equivalent to training only 4 individuals at a usual one-day course rate. Your organisation can further recoup much of even this cost if it so wishes by opening the course to others externally. External delegates are offered places for a fee set by you and Omega helps publicises the course through its on-line presence and other contact conversations.
If you think that this could be of use to your establishment call us on +44 (0)1787 477551 for more details and rates.

Contact us
Contact Omega to discuss the application of laser in your practice.
Call +44 (0) 1787 477551 or email