LLLT in Physiotherapy
Excellent for optimising soft tissue repair and providing drug-free pain relief, laser therapy is a modality well-used by many physiotherapists. As was discussed at this year's World Confederation for Physical Therapy conference, the number of electrophysical agents studies on PEDro has almost trebled over the past 10 years and they are now associated with high quality trial design, addressing concerns regarding the quality of the evidence base.
Low Level Laser Therapy is prominent amongst these with a large quantity of in vitro and in vivo supporting evidence which grows in volume and quality each year. Applied appropriately it works synergistically with manipulation and activity treatment programmes and is safer than and demonstrated to be just as effective as simple analgesia for managing pain symptoms in some acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders. The drug-free pain relief it affords, is of particular help in the treatment of arthritic conditions being applicable for almost all patients including those who are diabetic or for whom cortisone is contraindicated.
It has fewer contraindications than ultrasound therapy, permitting treatment over plates, pins and patients with pacemakers as well as much greater flexibility including the capacity to effectively (and with Omega equipment, measurably) address trigger points..

Recommended Package for Physiotherapists
What's included:
- Xp (or Xp Clinic) Control Unit
- Infra-red Laser Cluster for pain and soft tissue
(5 x 820nm 200mW) - Large Multi-wavelength Cluster
- Infra-red Single laser for trigger points
(820nm 200mW) - Point Finder Kit
- Training
- 2 Pairs of Protective Glasses

"I have been using lasers in my physiotherapy practice for over three years now. Initially little appreciated and certainly quite left field, I was pleasantly surprised at its potential usage as it steadily gathered a momentum all of its own. Because of its ease and speed of application in a diverse range of musculoskeletal conditions (from fractures & arthritis to tendinopathies and acute injuries), it is quite a unique and dynamic treatment option. Laser has certainly complemented and enhanced the quality and richness of my practice as a clinician in a variety of Occupational Health settings."
Contact us
Contact Omega to discuss the application of laser in your practice.
Call +44 (0) 1787 477551 or email info@omegalaser.co.uk