How Laser Therapy Helps
Drug-free and non-invasive, Laser phototherapy fits well with the chiropractic ethos. It both complements and helps consolidate chiropractic work whilst also adding extra strings to the Chiropractor's bow.
Using Laser offers the ability to deal with issues such as inflammation that would normally delay or prevent the chiropractic treatment being optimally effective and it provides an adjunctive analgesic treatment option particularly useful when somebody is in too much pain to be adjusted.
Chiropractors also report finding it quicker than massage for achieving soft tissue release and that they are therefore able to provide a whole-body treatment in less time by incorporating laser therapy. And beneficially, they find improved 'take' after adjustment when laser has been used.
It is especially well received by clients, who often remark on increased functionality and RoM after treatment, and it is easily integrated into chiropractic practice.

"I have been using the Omega Clinic Laser System since 2008. It delivers stunning results for a variety of conditions i.e. trigger point therapy for pain and arthritis (especially great for knees) and post op care for hip and knee surgery. I have great confidence in the Omega Laser System and recommend it whole heartedly as an adjunct to adjusting care in any office."
Contact us
Contact Omega to discuss the application of laser in your practice.
Call +44 (0) 1787 477551 or email