Laser Therapy Literature
There are a number of books published on Low Level Laser Therapy, many of which are excellent. We particularly recommend the following which we can source and/or supply as required:
Laser therapy studies are published in a host of discipline and application related journals as well as the specialist laser medicine journals listed below:
Photomedicine & Laser Surgery
Lasers in Surgery & Medicine
Lasers in Medical Science
SPIE journals and proceedings
Laser Therapy
Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology

The New Laser Therapy Handbook
Jan Tunér and Lars Hode (Reprinted 2010)
“Laser phototherapy has often been looked upon as an "alternative" medical modality. More than 2100 scientific references in this book are telling a different story.”
" Combining the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine with the biophysics of modern high-tech phototherapy, the authors share their considerable knowledge of laser acupuncture and laser therapy here in compact easy-to-follow form. The practical section includes one hundred successful treatment concepts presented in detail."
Laser Therapy and Laser Puncture: Treatment Tables
Anja Füchtenbusch and Wolfgang Bringmann (2004)
"With these instruction programs you will quickly orient yourself to the effects and possibilities for using low level laser therapy and find a direct entry into its applications...More than 200 short sets of directions for the most frequent indications in the fields of traumatology, orthopedics, neurology, internal medicine, throat,nose, ears and dermatology ...with more than 40 detailed treatment instructions..."
Contact Omega on +44 (0)1787 477551 for prices and to discuss which book would best suit your needs.
"The book is basically a guide to disorders and their treatments with Low Level Laser... Actual treatment parameters are included, covering a wide range of problems. This will allow the novice user to apply LLLT with confidence and predictable results... "
A Practitioner's Guide to Laser Therapy and Musculo-Skeletal Injuries
Kerry G Tume and Sean Tume
Laser Therapy: A Clinical Manual
Jennifer A Blahnik and David W Rindge (2003)
"This manual is divided into two parts. The first portion explains how lasers work...The second portion presents specific clinical approaches for more than forty conditions with illustrations, point selection, dosage and techniques."
Acupuncturists Guide to Laser Therapy and Musculo-Skeletal Injuries
Kerry G Tume
"I sincerely recommend this book to all Clinicians and Health Professionals and I feel that the knowledge contained within it is both extensive and usable, particularly as it is based on many years of both theoretical and practical experience of a father and son team.... "
"A wonderful resource for infrared and laser in the clinic with excellent simplified scientific background information and specific clinical examples. Truly helpful."
Light and Laser Therapy: Clinical Procedures
Curtis Turchin (2007)
Contact us
Contact Omega to discuss the application of laser in your practice.
Call +44 (0) 1787 477551 or email